Apologies for the super long break but we are back! Yay!
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So presenting to you my top 6 favourite Pokemon from Generation IV! (for all those who have no clue what it is, its just Diamond and Pearl) Just a little background information about me, I started Pokemon right away through Generation IV and it has been my most favourite generation ever! So here are my top 6 bias Pokemon :) :
1. Infernape
Infernape was my very first starter and will always be my most favourite starter >:) Have you guys ever has this imaginary attachment to your very first Pokemon? In addition, the amount of time I spent on DP multiplies the attachment tenfold and that is also why Gen IV is my favourite generation.
Alright moving on, the thing that I really like about Infernape is that it is an ideal late-game sweeper with fast speed and good special attack. And yes, it was never once not in my party pokemon list :)
Yes so for all DP players out there who have no clue of which starter to pick, I recommend picking chimchar (first evolution) even though it has a orange turd-shaped hair. You will DEFINITELY NOT REGRET IT!
2. Roserade
Guess what? Roserade is also one of my very first Pokemon that I trained from scratch. Yes a tiny little Budew from Level 5 to A LEVEL 89 TOO-COOL-FOR-YOU ROSERADE. Imagine the time I spent. Gosh.
Oh and guess what I really like about Roserade? IT LOOKS LIKE A FRIGGIN GRASS NINJA. Yeah ninjas for the win :D I mean look at that cool green mask like feature on its face and I really love its skin colour combination. A mixture of petals, flowers and every awesome colour, you'll get Roserade!
By the way, it is a must to teach Roserade grass knot if you are planning to challenge the Elite Four. You can two-hits KO Bertha's ground-type Pokemon with this move and if you are curious, my move set for Roserade consist of Stun Spore, Grass Knot, Cut and Poison Sting.
(Disclaimer: It is not done by me)
3. Luxray
Yeah another swag Pokemon again B) Luxray was ALSO one of my former party Pokemon but I swapped it out cause I caught Darkrai in the later game and because I always use Luxray against Psychic types due to its ability to learn Dark-type moves and I didn't need two Pokemon with Dark-type moves, hence I ditched Luxray.
Guess what? Luxray was also one of the Pokemon that I trained from a Level 10 Shinx to a Level 15 Luxio and a Level 30 Luxray.
I mainly adore Luxray because of its awesome wolf-like design and yes Black and White should have these types of awesome designs instead of the current ones which are so not creative =.=
4. Shaymin
Shaymin is one of the few Pokemon that I like but I have not been able to catch it yet cause of a glitch in my game :( But I have seen it in the Pokemon anime and it is SO CUTE.
Its like a tiny little hedgehog *squeals* Ahhh x.x Oh yes, although I have heard comments on it being a rather useless Pokemon, other than its cuteness, but won't it just beatify your Party Pokemon team and yes I would LOVE to have it as a soft toy x.x
Oh and Shaymin has a skyform too! DOESN'T IT ADDS TO THE COOLNESS LEVEL :)
5. Azelf
One of the floating Lake Guardians, the being of willpower, found it Valor Cavern. AZELF!!!
I particularly like the Lake Guardians because of the very cool space-time concept that involves them together with Palkia and Dialgia and did I mention that I really like the storyline of DP? :) Yes and another reason why I like Azelf because my favourite colour is blue and Azelf looks the best among the three (sorry Mesprit and Uxie can't beat Azelf in beauty contests).
The being of willpower sounds really superb too like POWER you know. I GOT THAT POWER. DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN.
6. Dialga
Last but not least, presenting to you the dark-blue, sauropod-like Pokemon, the ULTIMATE TIME CONTROLLER: DIALGA.
What is not to like about such a cool Pokemon that can control time? You forget to submit a project on the deadline, who do you approach? DIALGA. You wake up tired in the morning and you have to get ready for work, but you need more sleep! Who do you approach? DIALGA! YES AIN'T THAT AWESOME!
And as you can guess, I played Diamond first before proceeding on to Platinum and I have never played Pearl. Mainly because no money no time. If only I had a real Dialga. Sigh.
Anyways, hope that you liked the post and don't forget to support us by clicking on the link above and then "Skip ad". It would mean a lot to us ;')
Stay wonderful and have a nice day!
Lots of love,
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